Donald Trump Jr. Defends his Father’s “Both Sides” Remark

    Donald Trump Jr. is defending his father’s response to racial protests.

    FOX’s Tonya J. Powers has the story:

    President Trump’s oldest son has doubled down on remarks his father made following violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia in August.

    Yesterday, Donald Trump Jr. stood by his dad’s declaration that “both sides” were to blame for the protest in which a white supremacist killed a counter-protester.

    Trump Jr. said his father was only criticized because of an “atmosphere of hatred” on the left that he blamed on liberal universities and the media.

    He spoke during a fundraising gala for Faulkner University, a private christian university in Alabama.

    Tonya J. Powers, FOX News.

    Follow Tonya J. Powers on Twitter: @TonyaJPowers