Comey: We Have No Information to Support President Trump’s Wiretapping Tweets

    Possible Russian election meddling and President Trump’s wiretapping claims received considerable attention at a House hearing.

    FOX’s Rachel Sutherland reports from Capitol Hill:

    The FBI is investigating possible links between members of President Trump’s inner circle and Russia, and:

    (Comey) “Whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

    Director James Comey said the investigation includes determining if crimes were committed. He was also asked about President Trump’s tweeted allegations that former President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower:

    (Comey) “The FBI and the Department of Justice have no information to support those tweets.”

    Comey said the Russia investigation is complex, and that he cannot give a timetable for when it will be completed.

    At the Capitol, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News.

    Follow Rachel Sutherland on Twitter: @SutherlandFOX