GOP pollster Lee Carter joins Fox Across America With guest host Joe Concha to shed light on how recent polling indicates illegal immigration and the crisis at the U.S. Southern border are top concerns for voters right now.

“Well, you know, it’s a fascinating phenomenon. It jumped in the polls by nine percentage points in just one month. And so when you think about how important it’s become, it’s significant, especially, it’s not just because everyone’s feeling so much better about the economy, because if you poll people about the economy, they’re not feeling great. Regardless of how the Biden administration is trying to tell us that everything’s never been better. But what is happening is that the immigration effect is no longer just an issue that is affecting Texas and those border states. It’s affecting American cities. It’s affecting all of us. And so a lot of people talked about the political stunt that DeSantis did by flying migrants up to, Martha’s Vineyard. Governor Abbott taking busloads of migrants and dropping them off in sanctuary cities. Well, that’s raise the profile of what the issue is, because now it’s an issue that’s addressing and facing all Americans. We’re seeing kids get displaced in their schools. We’re seeing all sorts of issues that are happening, and people are saying, enough is enough. The numbers are staggering as far as how many people are entering the country and what that means for our population and how we’re going to support them. So it’s now an issue that’s relevant to everyone.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say to Joe!

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