Care to take a guess how many illegals are released into the US PER DAY?!

The number will shock you!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and future Democrat voters are pouring across our southern border and help is NOT on the way.

Biden Administration officials quietly told lawmakers that as many as 5,000 illegal immigrants are released into the US, EACH DAY!

That means if this pace continues, the total could reach about 1.8 MILLION for the year!

Add that to the estimated 670,000 “gotaways” that were not stopped or apprehended at all.

But it’s not rocket science. If these illegals were turned right back around and sent right back where they came from, they would stop paying cartels thousands of dollars to get into this country.

Because you see, while they claim to all be refugees and asylum seekers with little more than the clothes on their back, that is actually a lie.

You don’t cross the border for free. There is no such thing as free passage.

These illegal aliens pay the cartel and pay them THOUSANDS and then live off of American taxpayers once they get through.

If you’re not outraged by this, you don’t have a pulse!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at