Democrats Call Hillary to the Bullpen!

You know it’s bad when the Democrats think Hillary Clinton could help with Joe’s re-election efforts!

I’m Tomi Lahren, laugh with me, next.

Do you hear that? It’s the sound of Democrats literally scraping the bottom of the barrel!

Get this, Democrats are reportedly calling Hillary Clinton to the plate to help campaign for Joe Biden’s re-election.

Last month she held a fundraiser for Joe at her Georgia home and raised close to 1 million dollars. That’s great and all, but money and popularity are two very different things.

Aside from maybe Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton is the least likable Democrat in the game. Let’s put it in perspective, as bad as Joe is, he beat Trump while Hillary could not.

And why? Because of Russia, Russia, Russia? NO.

Because of sexism and misogyny? No.

Because she is the most tone-deaf and out of touch Christmas fruitcake of the bunch! No one wants Hillary! We’ve made that clear!

If THIS is the best strategy the Democrats can come up with to save Joe, it’s looking pretty bleak! Was the Grinch unavailable?!

Best of luck with Crooked Hillary, you’ll need it!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at