South Carolina Senator and 2024 GOP presidential candidate Tim Scott joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain his strategy for securing the Republican presidential nomination, and eventually the White House.

“The challenge is simple one. Keep the people in the stadium, i.e. the voters of America, engaged. The deeper you get in the game, the more interested the crowd becomes to get on their feet in the fourth quarter, with 2 minutes are left, they’re standing and they’re shouting and they’re screaming. The same thing happens in an election. The closer you get to Election Day, the more people pay attention. The goal is by the time we get to January 15th and then into New Hampshire and finally rounding the corner into the first in the South primary, the field will be whittling down. And with a field that whittles down, more Americans will pay attention to the contrast between the final candidates. Having an optimistic, positive candidate whose life story destroys the Left, having an optimistic, positive candidate who wrote the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, providing the largest tax cut to the American people in the history of the country, is what will win. Having a candidate who can persuade independents who are conservative to join the Great Opportunity party is how we have the Reagan-like revolution that gives us a governing mandate and a super majority in the House and a strong majority in the Senate.”

Plus, Senator Scott gives his take on everything that happened during the first two GOP presidential debates. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!