The depths of depravity of human sin are never more blatantly on display than in the horrors of human trafficking. It is the focus of actor Jim Caviezel’s new movie, “Sound of Freedom”, being released on July 4th, the day America celebrates its independence. We fought the Revolutionary War to gain that freedom from British rule. Less than a century later the country was embroiled in the Civil War to end race-based, chattel slavery in America. But sadly, the evil of slavery persists in every part of the world, and yes, here in America. It’s called human trafficking. On this episode of Lighthouse Faith podcast, Caviezel, who also portrayed Jesus in the Mel Gibson blockbuster, “Passion of the Christ”, talks about his new film in which he plays real life Federal Agent Tim Ballard, who quit his job to rescue children caught in the web of human trafficking. It’s an action film with a heart. It’s also about redemption, something Caviezel, a devout Christian, looks for in his film projects, even if he may not always play the good guy. He says, “I don’t go to the devil to play the devil. I go to God to tell me who the devil is.” In “Sound of Freedom”, Caviezel is definitely the good guy… fighting against a lot of evil.