MLB Gets a C+ for “Diversity” 

According to this new activist “report card,” the MLB doesn’t score high enough in diversity. 

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

Long gone are the days of sports being about athleticism. Nowadays professional sports are about activism and identity politics.

Look no further than this new “Racial and Gender Report Card’ put out by a group called “The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport” which grades Major League Baseball at a C+ for racial and gender hiring practices. 

An ESPN columnist is very triggered by this and DEMANDS the MLB improve its diversity quotient given that only 6.2% of players are black. 

Weird though, this same writer doesn’t seem too concerned with the fact the NBA is over 73% black with almost no Asian representation and a small percentage of white and latino players. 

And there it is, folks. When these activists talk about “diversity” they don’t mean true “diversity.” So why not come out and say that instead of virtue signaling this FALSE message of inclusion. 

And a word to ESPN, sports should be about merit and the MLB is a baseball league, not a Disney movie!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at