Ladies of “The View” want an Amendment to Keep Trump out of White House!

The ladies of the View are proposing a new constitutional amendment and it’s as ridiculous as you’d expect!

I’m Tomi Lahren, find out next.

I don’t watch “The View” and you likely don’t either, but in case you were wondering, the ladies at the table over there fancy themselves constitutional scholars. 

Now they want a constitutional amendment in place to prevent Donald Trump from being re-elected president. 

While discussing the latest witch hunt federal indictment against Trump, the ladies, led by Whoopi Goldberg lamented the fact that Trump could be re-elected even if convicted of federal crimes and shocked that the U.S. constitution doesn’t already prohibit such a thing!

Leave it to liberals to, once again, advocate for the manipulation of an election and the distortion of the people’s will. 

They are so afraid of Donald Trump and so deranged by his popularity, they’ll do anything to keep 2016 from repeating itself! 

Lucky for us, what they want really has no bearing on the constitution or WE THE PEOPLE!

The View, what a waste of an hour of TV!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at