Host of the “Jason In The House Podcast” and former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to give his take on President Biden claiming that White supremacy is the “most dangerous terrorist threat” in the U.S. during a commencement address at Howard University this weekend.

“Let’s also understand, Howard University, it’s prestigious. It’s generated a lot of good. But the reason, this is what got me, I couldn’t get past this, in order to even get to the president’s speech. The stated reason that they gave him an honorary degree, they could have just been honest and said we’re giving him an honorary degree because he’s the president of the United States, and this is really good for our university. They didn’t do that. They did it for his analytical intellect and popularity on both sides of the aisle. Popularity is a way to get an honorary degree from Howard University. What’s up with that? I couldn’t get past those two to even try to decipher his, the biggest thing you’re going to face is White supremacy.”

Jason and Jimmy also talk about all of the backlash CNN has been getting for hosting a town hall with former President Trump. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!