TSA to Spend $18.6 Million on “Non-Binary” Screening

TSA is due to spend over $18 million bucks to make passenger screening more “non-binary” friendly.

The radical LGBTQ agenda rolls on.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

“Non-binary,” the new hot term of the decade and for some reason even if you don’t identify as that- or even know what hell it is- you are required to bow down to those who have made it their battle cry.

And it gets worse. Now the TSA- the administration supposedly tasked with national security at our airports- is spending $18.6 million dollars on “non binary screening systems” which will roll out in January.

In addition to new high definition technology that will supposedly better scan all the body parts, if you feel the TSA agent has “mis-gendered” you after going through the machine, you can ask to be re-screened before submitting to a pat-down.

TSA touts this new woke process as a way to “advance civil rights,” but really it’s just another waste of taxpayer dollars on a woke agenda that only 1% of the population really gives a crap about.

We might as well start flushing our own dollars down the toilet and do the work of the federal government for them!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com