Extra: Street Crime Is A Major Concern. Is It Time For A National Task Force?

Violent crime has been a big concern of Americans and a major campaign issue ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. That’s not surprising. Homicide rates already were on the rise for years, but many cities experienced significant spikes since the pandemic.

Recently, former NYPD Inspector Paul Mauro joined special Rundown guest host Dana Perino on the podcast to discuss the nationwide problem and how we reduce the bloodshed. He pointed out that handguns have been a common denominator in not only the recent upticks in violence but also in street crime for generations. Despite that, he believes there has not been enough focus on trying to curb illegal trafficking of them.

Mauro made his case to Dana about why there is a need for a Handgun Trafficking Task Force and how it would allow local police officers and the feds to make a significant dent in America’s alarming murder and armed robbery stats.

Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the conversation in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear our entire interview with former NYPD Inspector Paul Mauro and hear more of his take on fighting gun violence and why he believes his idea is simple, less political, and more effective than other approaches.