Lara Trump: Democrats Know They’ve Screwed Up Royally And Are Getting Desperate

Fox News contributor Lara Trump joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share her thoughts on former President Obama saying during a podcast interview that Democrats can sometimes be a “buzzkill”.

“To me, this is a situation, it’s almost like they know they’re in a corner. They know they’re desperate and they know that they screwed up royally because people really do have a hard time right now. They’re having a hard time getting by and just getting the basics done, paying day to day and week to week, getting their rent paid, their utilities, etc., gas, groceries, all of it. And it’s thanks to the Democrats who are in charge of America right now. But this is almost like whenever you have a group of friends and one of them kind of starts trashing another one behind their back. And then everyone’s like, actually, we like her better than you. And then they figure out they messed up. Then they have to come back and like clean up their mess. It feels like a cleanup situation going on because they’re kind of desperate to get anyone to vote for them and buy into anything that they’ve done. Because quite frankly, it’s all been bad, whether it’s the woke nonsense, whether it’s the real implications of a horrible economy, inflation, the gas situation and open border, all of it that we’ve gotten under Democrats. They’ve got a real problem. And so I don’t know that I really buy it from Obama because he’s the one that sort of got us in this mess in the first place with the wokeness.”

Lara also reveals whether she thinks former President Trump should comply with the House January 6th committee’s subpoena. Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say!