Rep. Greg Steube: Biden’s Illegal Student Loan Handout Will Be Challenged If Republicans Take Back The House

Florida Republican Congressman Greg Steube joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on some of the glaring legal problems with President Biden’s recently announced plan to forgive $10,000 in student loan debt for borrowers making up to $125,000 a year.

“There is so many legal issues here to flush out. We could spend hours talking about the legal issues, the constitutional issues, where you have the Executive Branch waiving what could be $800 billion, right now the estimate is between 400  and $600 billion, half a trillion dollars worth of student loan debt that Congress didn’t allow for to be forgiven. This this should be an act of Congress because Congress controls the purse strings and you have the Executive doing it. And I actually think another reason why they’re doing it before the midterms and before Republicans take the majority back is because Congress could file a lawsuit in the separation of power issue. But Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer aren’t going to do that to Joe Biden. So they want to try to give away money before they can. And then you have the contract issues. And then you have all of the spending issues, the constitutional issues, the separation of powers issues. I will be shocked if in six months it hasn’t been challenged and hasn’t been ruled unconstitutional by the current U.S. Supreme Court.”

Rep. Steube also pushes back on the assertion by the White House that they had no prior knowledge about the FBI’s raid of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence earlier this month. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!