Ari Fleischer: The Problem With Today’s Media Is There’s No Diversity Of Thought In Newsrooms

Former White House Press Secretary and Fox News contributor Ari Fleischer joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his thoughts on the disconnect between the majority of journalists working today and the people consuming their content.

“The problem with journalism, and this is why they have such a distorted view of the world, is they have a diversity problem. They are too cut from the same cloth. They are too overwhelmingly liberal, too overwhelmingly cosmopolitan, too overwhelmingly pro-choice. How few of them have ever handled the gun or a rifle? How many of them are in touch with blue collar America? This is the problem. Journalism schools around America are graduating people who are just so identical and they go into newsrooms where everybody around them is so identical. And this is why so many of their stories are so wrong. There is no one around them to catch their way of thinking and say, before you put that story CNN on the air about Donald Trump Jr.’s emails saying that he heard about all the WikiLeaks leaks before anybody else did, have you checked the actual email? Did you read it yourself? If you did, you might see that data is wrong and your story is false, but nobody does that because they all wanted to get Trump.”

Plus, Ari and Jimmy talk about why it would be a step in the right direction for Twitter if Elon Musk does end up taking over the social media giant. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!