Gen. Keith Kellogg: Russia Has Lost This War

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L.T. General Keith Kellogg, Fox News Contributor, Former National Security Adviser To VP Pence joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the latest developments in the war between Russia and Ukraine and why he believes Russia has already lost the war.

Gen. Kellogg explained why he believes Russia has already lost the war saying,

“Guy, look, I think simply put to me, Russia has lost this war and let me explain why. Their original intent was to take Ukraine. That means all the way, all the way to the West, past Lviv and other places. They failed to do that. They failed to take their primary objective, which was kyiv to decapitate the government and change the government out failed there. So they failed on all the major fronts of taking down the country of Ukraine. So that is a strategic debacle on the part of Putin and on his military. He’s also shown the reason he’s lost the war. Also, is it shown how weak his military really is. It’s not a very good military.”