For the first time in more than a decade Republicans will hold top spots in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Glenn Youngkin beat Democrat Terry McAuliffe for Governor and other top of the ballot GOPers prevailed over their Democratic opponents. President Biden had won the state by 10 points in the 2020 Presidential Election. So is Virginia a preview of the red wave that’s to come as we approach the upcoming 2022 Midterms? Jared and FOX News Political Analyst Josh Kraushaar discuss.

As Supreme Court Justices returned to the bench this week, they heard oral arguments from two of the most high profile cases: guns and abortions. Up first was the Texas abortion law that bans the procedure in most cases after six weeks of pregnancy, with no exceptions in the cases of rape or incest. Next was a New York State gun law and the requirements it puts on gun owners to carry a concealed weapon. FOX News Contributor and Law Professor at George Washington University,  Jonathan Turley breaks down the two cases and explains why all eyes will be on newer Justices.