Dr. Marty Makary On Mask Mandates In Schools

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Dr. Marty Makary, joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to discuss list latest WSJ Oped about masking children in schools as the Delta variant continues to rise around the country.

Dr. Makary said,
“We’ve imposed a tremendous number of restrictions on 56 million American children with zero data. And when you don’t spend a dime on a research study at the NIH on masking in children, guess what? You’ve got a vacuum of information and opinions fill that vacuum. By the way, the NIH has spent more money funding the Wuhan Virology Institute than they have spent on studying masks in children. There’s really nothing out there. And the cloth masks that kids are wearing probably have a minimal, if any, effect. Now, I’m very pro mask. Always have been wrote the first public national piece in The New York Times last spring, early in the beginning of the pandemic, calling for universal masking. And so, you know, I’m a big fan of Masking, but here’s the thing. Every kid is different, every location is different. And then maybe in an area of an active outbreak, we should ask everyone to wear masks. But I’ll tell you, some kids do well with masks and other kids struggle severely.”