Katie Pavlich on the Danger of the CCP in the US: “China Has Infiltrated Every Single Level of Society”

Katie Pavlich, Editor for Townhall.com & Fox News Contributor, joined the Guy Benson Show today to talk about her experience at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Pavlich discusses some of the unsightly protests going on outside the dinner, including the response of Caitlyn Jenner. Pavlich also talks with Guy about the concerning reports of Chinese nationals coming across the southern border of the United States. Listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

Listen to the full podcast:

Pavlich had this to say on Caitlyn Jenner’s response to pro-Palestine protestors:

“We had a little bit of an interesting entrance with all the pro Hamas folks and their masks, you know, braving the streets to say that we were complicit in a genocide that’s not going on… I do believe that, Caitlyn Jenner flipped off the pro-Hamas people on her way in… thank you for doing what the rest of us maybe might be feeling a little bit.”