President Biden says it’s time to end American’s longest war and bring our troops home from Afghanistan. He has set a withdrawal date for September 11th,  which will be the 20th Anniversary of the terrorist attack that send our troops to Afghanistan in the first place. More than 2300 U.S. troops have been killed while deployed there with 3500 troops remaining now. General Jack Keane, a retired 4 star general, chairman of the Institute for the Study of War and FOX NEWS Senior Strategic Analyst,  discusses President Biden’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan,  President Trump declaring he wanted U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by May 1st and what the impact will be if the U.S. has no physical presence in Afghanistan.

The FDA and CDC recommended a pause in the distribution of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine this week. This comes after reports of six women who received the shot getting severe blood clots out of the almost 7-million Johnson and Johnson vaccinations. FOX News Medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel and former FDA Associate Commissioner, Peter Pitts weigh in on the decision to pause the vaccine, what the process entails and how to curtail “vaccine hesitancy” in light of the news.

Plus, commentary by Dr. Robert Jeffress, Fox News contributor and pastor of the Dallas First Baptist Church.