Kim Strassel On Corporate America’s Leftward Turn

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Kim Strassel, Potomac Watch columnist for Wall Street Journal edit page joined Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson Show to discuss corporate America’s sharp leftward turn on weighing in on political issues.

Kim Strassel said,

“First of all, I think I would point out to just important context how absolutely unprecedented this is as well. You know, you and I, we’ve both been doing this a long time. And we know that, yeah, companies routinely take part in policy issues. They donate money to both sides of the aisle. And I would stress both sides because it’s always been understood that good politics is when you keep both sides on your side. But the issues that they have commented on in the past have been those that affect their shareholders, that affect their bottom line. This is unprecedented in that this is a portion of corporate America that is actively engaging in a partizan issue that where they’re actually calling out Republicans, accusing Republicans of falsehood, doing it to help a Democratic agenda, which has to do with voting rules in the United States. And on the last time I looked the Delta CEO was no expert on voting reform or what actually works best in any of these different states.”