Attorney General William Barr testified in front of a Senate panel on Wednesday and was invited to testify in front of a House committee on Thursday – that one he chose not to attend. FOX’s White House Correspondent Jon Decker takes a look at the week that was on Capitol Hill

Escalating tensions turned violent in Venezuela this week as disputed President Nicolas Maduro fights to hold onto power. FOX’s Rich Edson joins from the State Department.

The U.S. and China have been locked in a trade dispute since President Trump assumed office in 2017. But could a deal be in sight? Bob Davis, Senior Editor at the Wall Street Journal weighs in.

Joe Biden entered the Democratic race for President last week as the front runner. A week later, after a strong campaign launch, the former Vice President still remains in the driver seat. FOX News Radio’s Washington Correspondent Rachel Sutherland, who was at the Biden campaign launch in Pittsburgh, PA has more.

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