
FOX’s Chad Pergram discusses whether or not President Trump will deliver a State of the Union address on today’s Speaker’s Lobby:

I’m Chad Pergram with the Speaker’s Lobby.

We’re not 100 percent sure yet whether President Trump will journey to Capitol Hill on January 29th to deliver his State of the Union message.

That’s after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote to Mr. Trump, suggesting they delay the affair until the government’s was open.

And then the President fired back, canceling her planned trip to visit troops in Afghanistan.

One senior Congressional source involved in planning told Fox, “We are standing by to stand by.”

Perhaps the only one who does know, it Nostra-Romo, CBS football color man Tony Romo, who seems prescient enough to predict every play on the field about 20 seconds before it happens.  

But if the State of the Union does happen, this State of the Union is likely to be the Super Bowl of politics. There has never been a more anticipated State of the Union speech than this one.

There are now worries about the shutdown impacting the Super Bowl itself. House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn brought up the issue in a meeting with other Democrats this past week. 

More than 100 million Americans regularly view the Super Bowl each winter.

But if contretemps lingers between the President and the Speaker, this year’s State of the Union speech may rival the Super Bowl in the Nielsen ratings.

With the Speaker’s Lobby, Chad Pergram, FOX News.

Follow Chad on Twitter: @ChadPergram