
FOX’s Chad Pergram breaks down the spread that was laid out for the national champion Clemson Tigers and what one New York Congressman is saying the president should have served on today’s ‘Speaker’s Lobby’:

I’m Chad Pergram with the Speaker’s Lobby.

President Trump laid out quite a fast food spread for the national champion Clemson Tigers recently. With the government shutdown, the White House couldn’t cook for the team. So the President picked up the tab himself and served it all on silver platters, mid lit candelabra.

It was a smorgasbord of Wendy’s. McDonald’s. Burger King. Pizza from Dominos. But absent from the White House fare? White Castle cheeseburgers.

Republican New York Congressman Pete King took issue with the President, serving the Clemson players everything but sliders from White Castle.

King declared it was “bad enough” that the President hosted Clemson at the White House, especially after they decimated Notre Dame in the semi-final game. King earned his law degree from Notre Dame.

King blistered the President, saying, “As a fellow Queens guy, the President has to know that White Castle cheeseburgers are a gourmet’s delight.”

King says that the White Castle on Queens Boulevard at 43rd Street..is practically a “Five Star” restaurant.”

King claims that Mr. Trump missed a chance to “educate those guys from the South on what Queens sophisticates considered such a favorite delicacy.”

With the Speaker’s Lobby, Chad Pergram, FOX News.

Follow Chad on Twitter: @ChadPergram