
Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King faces criticism for his comments on white supremacy and nationalism. However, Congress is split on how to respond. Fox’s Chad Pergram has more in today’s “Speaker’s Lobby.”

I’m Chad Pergram with the Speaker’s Lobby.

Republican Iowa Congressman Steve King served on three committees in the previous Congress.

The Agriculture Committee, the Small Business Committee, and the Judiciary Committee.

But no more.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy is stripping King of his committee assignments after King expressed support for white supremacy and white nationalism.

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn introduced a resolution of disapproval for King.

But Democratic Illinois Congressman Bobby Rush wants to go a step further.

He says the resolution is just a quote, ”slap on the wrist.”

There are three formal modes of discipline in the House: reprimand, censure and expulsion.

Rush wants the House to censure King. Rush says King quote, “doesn’t need to be warned. He needs to be punished for his racism. He has done this repeatedly over the years. I am tired of it.”

The House has only censured 23 members in history.

The last was former Democratic New York Congressman Charlie Rangel in the fall of 2010.

King contends he’s done nothing wrong and says his remarks were quote, ”mischaracterized.”

With the Speaker’s Lobby, Chad Pergram. Fox News.