
California taking center stage in the House. Fox’s Chad Pergram has more in today’s “Speaker’s Lobby.”

I’m Chad Pergram with the Speaker’s Lobby.

It was a California kind of day on Capitol Hill to mark the first day of the new Congress.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California..defeated House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calfornia..for the top job in the House. McCarthy then introduced Pelosi and presented his Calfironia colleague with the gavel.

They both spoke about President Reagan..a former California Governor..in their remarks.

As Calfifornia Democrats escorted Pelosi into the House chamber..California Congressmen Juan Vargas, Mark Takano and Lou Correa all sang “California Here I Come.”

On hand to see Pelosi retiun to the Speakership…Crooner Tony Bennett..best known for singing about Pelosi’s adopted hometown.

With the Speaker’s Lobby, Chad Pergram, Fox News.


Follow Chad on Twitter: @ChadPergram