
The battle over funding the government continues as 2019 kicks off. FOX’s Chad Pergram has more in today’s “Speaker’s Lobby.”

I’m Chad Pergram with the Speaker’s Lobby.

It seemed so simple just a few days ago.

Back when James Mattis was Defense Secretary…

Back when the U.S. was fighting in Syria…

Back when kids calling the NORAD tracking hotline still held a marginal belief in Santa Claus…

Back when the government was fully funded…

All 100 senators agreed to a stopgap spending bill to fund the government through February 8th and send official Washington home for Christmas.

Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby told reporters he didn’t think that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would put a bill on the floor to fund the government unless he has assurances form the President he’d sign the measure, sans wall funding.

“But you never know,” said Shelby.

The instincts of the Alabama Republican were spot on.

You never know with President Trump.

What is past is prologue.

The White House signaled Mr. Trump would grudgingly sign the bill. 

The President’s oscillation is reminiscent of March.

Back then, the administration negotiated an omnibus spending package with Congress.

Then President Trump threatened a veto once the House and Senate passed those measures.

He ultimately signed the bill into law.

And that’s what teed up the current standoff.

With the Speaker’s Lobby, Chad Pergram. Fox News.