
House Speaker Paul Ryan delivered his farewell speech on Wednesday. Fox’s Chad Pergram has more in today’s “Speaker’s Lobby.”

I’m Chad Pergram with the Speaker’s Lobby.

It sure sounded scary back in the Spring of 2011 when House Speaker Paul Ryan became chair of the House Budget Committee.

Ryan: “The facts are very, very clear. The United States is heading toward a debt crisis”

Paul Ryan built a political career..on budgets, deficits, and the debt.

Ryan loyalists hailed him as a policy genius.

An economic whiz as he proposed blueprints, the vaunted Ryan budget, to harness the debt and cut spending.

Paul Ryan’s retiring.

In his farewell address at the Library of Congress, the Speaker lamented he couldn’t draw down the debt and spending.

Since Ryan became Speaker, the deficit ballooned from 438 billion 3 years ago to 779 billion now and the debt skyrockets.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer says that fiscal irresponsibility, is part of Ryan’s legacy.

Ryan aides often reminded critics that he wasn’t the Dictator of the House, but the Speaker of the House.

One congressional Republican told Fox imagine what Ryan could have accomplished with a telegenic personality. And if he had actually held a position of authority like the most powerful legislative post in American government.

With the Speaker’s Lobby, Chad Pergram. Fox News.