Hi, I’m Gerri Willis from the Fox Business Network and host of the podcast, Rich is Not a Four-Letter Word. The holidays are coming up, and I was happy to be joined by Matt Granite (@TheDealGuy) on the podcast! Matt breaks down everything you need to know about Black Friday deals, from which vendors to check out, which categories have the biggest markdowns, and which types of deals to avoid. Listen to the podcast to find out how to get the best bang for your buck this holiday season!

Take a listen to the podcast! Follow me on Twitter @gerriwillisFBN and on Facebook, where my handle is GerriWillis. You can also find me on Instagram at Gerri_Willis.

Bottom line, I want to hear from you! What money issues do you want to explore? Tell me and we will get it on the podcast. Have a great day and remember, Rich is NOT a Four-Letter Word!