
Fox’s Chad Pergram considers House Democrat leadership on  “The Speaker’s Lobby.”

Who will be what in the House Democratic leadership ranks in the 116th Congress is as muddled as it’s been in decades. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants to return to the Speakership, if Democrats win the House, but lots of Democrats have tired of Pelosi’s leadership.

Dozens of House Democratic candidates have said they’d support someone else for the top leadership job. If those Democrats win, will they immediately renege on a key campaign promise to oppose Pelosi? That said, Pelosi is Pelosi. No one raises more money for Democrats than Pelosi. Few can match her legislative legacy and political acumen.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer won’t challenge Pelosi directly. But he could be an alternative. And then there is Assistant Minority Leader Jim Clyburn of South Carolina. Clyburn’s core support emanates from the Congressional Black Caucus. If Pelosi is out of the way, many CBC members will tell you privately, they think it’s “Clyburn’s time.”

Democrats would relish selecting the first African American Speaker of the House – particularly in the age of President Trump. But after the troika of Pelosi, Hoyer and Clyburn, it’s a free for all for House Democrats.

With the Speaker’s Lobby, Chad Pergram. Fox News.

Follow Chad Pergram on Twitter: @ChadPergram