David Sanger, National Security Correspondent for The New York Times joined Brian Kilmeade to discuss his new book “The Perfect Weapon: War, Sabotage, and Fear in the Cyber Age
Sanger explained how after America cyber-attacked Iran, the floodgates opened leading to several nation-on-nation cyber-attacks including China’s 2015 attack on the Office of Personal Management where they hacked the personal data of four million past and present federal employees. Sanger points out that every year in their intelligence report to congress the intelligence community notes that cyber is the number one threat to the United States, ahead of terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and potential biological and chemical attacks. When discussing the Russian involvement in the 2016 election, Sanger says the Obama Administration was slow to recognize the threat Russia posed to the 2016 election and how America does not fully understand the dangers of cyber attacks.

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