“NAFTA NEEDS UPDATING”… U.S. Trade Rep. Seeks Major Changes to Deal

    The negotiations to redo NAFTA, will start soon.

    FOX’s Jon Decker has more from the White House:

    U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said NAFTA had “failed many, many Americans” and that major changes were needed to slash U.S. trade deficits and boost the U.S. auto industry:

    (Lighthizer) “NAFTA needs updating. It’s a 23-year-old agreement. And our economies are very different than they were in the 1990’s.”

    Lighthizer said he will seek major changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement as negotiations to rework terms of the pact get underway.

    President Trump has called NAFTA the “worst” trade deal in history.

    At the White House, Jon Decker, FOX News.