Colorado Inmate is Finally Free

    A Colorado inmate freed by accident, who was jailed again, is ordered to be released.

    FOX’s Anna Eliopoulos reports:

    Rene Lima-Marin entered a Colorado jail in 2000 to serve 98 years for armed robbery when in 2008, he was accidentally released on parole. He walked out and became an upstanding citizen, got a steady job, married, had children, and found God.

    But in 2014, when police realized their mistake, Lima-Marin was picked up and returned to prison. However, after a three-year legal battle, he is coming home:

    (Jasmine) “What I read was, judge, order, and freed, I just kind of threw my lunch and just started screaming.”

    His wife Jasmine is grateful for the decision by Arapahoe County District Judge Carlos Samour Jr, who described the move by authorities as “draconian”:

    (Jasmine) “I want to thank him for giving Rene a second chance, and for giving our family a second chance.”

    Anna Eliopoulos, FOX News.