Stolen Wallet Returned Eight Years Later… With Money & More Still In It!

    What are the chances that your wallet will be found eight years after it’s stolen? What are the chances your money will still be in it?

    FOX’s Gary Baumgarten has the improbable story:

    It was back in 2009 when Courtney Connolly’s wallet was stolen from her car. Amazingly, just a couple days ago, someone walked up to a Boston police officer and handed the cop the wallet.

    Police tracked Connolly down. But if you think she was surprised about getting the wallet back, that pales in comparison with her astonishment when she opened it up!:

    (Connolly) “A police report was filed and lawfully because it was stolen. But the cash was never used. The credit cards were never used. My social security number was never used.”

    Not only that, there was $141 in cash in the wallet is the exact amount she needs to enter a power lifting contest.

    Gary Baumgarten, FOX News.

    Follow Gary Baumgarten on Twitter: @garybaumgarten