‘Not My President’s Day’ Protests Held Across U.S.

    On this holiday honoring Commanders-in-Chief, many across the nation took the opportunity to speak out and exchange opinions on President Donald Trump.

    FOX’s Gurnal Scott was at a New York demonstration outside the Trump International Hotel:

    Just outside Central Park, those demonstrating against the President’s policies were quite vocal. But Donald Trump supporters were on hand as well being just as vocal.

    And that opened the door to some spirited exchanges:

    “You have a few isolated people here. So he spoke about stopping illegal… He’s not the voice of immigrants..
    He’s the voice of legal immigrants… We’re all the voice of legal immigrants.”

    Despite what the calendar said, for many this was a ‘Not My President’s Day’ and many here say they will raise their voices each and every day to voice their displeasure.

    In New York City, Gurnal Scott, FOX News.

    Follow Gurnal Scott on Twitter: @GurnalScott