Realistic Dating Goals in 2017

    Are you still on the outside looking in when it comes to having a relationship? One relationship expert says you may want to keep those dating goals simple in 2017.

    FOX’s Ashley Papa has “FOX on Love”:

    Singletons may be looking for love in the new year, but if you resolve to find “the one” or date more in 2017, licensed couples counselor, Doctor Paul Hokemeyer, says you have to keep resolutions realistic:

    (Dr. Hokemeyer) “We typically think we’re going to find the perfect mate who’s going to solve all our problems and make our life perfect and that is just unrealistic. We fall in love with human beings, and human being have cracks and we actually love people for their vulnerability.”

    Unlike resolutions you can track, like weight and money, Hokemeyer says you can measure your relationship resolution’s success by looking inside:

    (Dr. Hokemeyer) “Really focus on how the person makes you feel. Relationships should compliment you and support you and make you feel good about yourself so try to stay away from people who have a toxic effect on you.”

    The key to making any resolution succeed is to not be hard on yourself. It may not be the year you’ll find “the one”, but at least have fun in the process.

    With FOX on Love, I’m Ashley Papa.

    Follow Ashley Papa on Twitter: @AshleyMPapa
    Follow Dr. Paul Hokemeyer on Twitter: @drpaulnyc