Home Stretch: Candidates Stump at Multiple States

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are trying to be sure supporters go the polls. Millions have already voted, but with polls showing a tight race the candidates are hitting multiple states.

FOX’s Jared Halpern has more:

It could all come down to turnout, Donald Trump in North Carolina, joking even if your doctor gives you a bad prognosis:

(Trump) “It doesn’t make a damn bit of difference. You get out of bed and you vote!”

Hillary Clinton, too, is trying to boost enthusiasm and hold to narrow leads in swing states by making her closing argument about her Republican opponent:

(Clinton) “He has said that he thinks the lives of black people are all crime and poverty and despair. He has no idea.”

She’s getting a lot of help delivering that message from President Obama and concert-style rallies with pop stars.

Jared Halpern, FOX News.

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