Democrats are Concerned Over Nevada Poll-Watching

Democrats who are hoping for a quick ruling in a Nevada poll-watching case will have to wait a little longer to hear from the judge.

FOX’s Tonya J. Powers has details:

Democrats in Nevada say they’re worried about vigilante voter intimidation next Tuesday, and are asking a federal judge to issue a restraining order telling Donald Trump supporters not to harass voters at the polls.

The judge heard more than three hours of arguments on Wednesday, but now wants sworn testimony from a Trump campaign official who heads Nevada poll-watcher training about whether people are being fully told the state laws they must follow.

The lawsuit is one of four filed. The other three states are Arizona, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The judge says he wants to make a decision by the weekend.

Tonya J. Powers, FOX News.

Follow Tonya J. Powers on Twitter: @TonyaJPowers