Tiger Claws Trainer at Fair in front of School Kids

    A tiger trainer gets a scare after a run-in with a white tiger at a fair in Florida.

    FOX’s Dave Anthony reports:

    There won’t be any more white tiger shows at the Pensacola Interstate Fair, after a two-year-old Bengal clawed a trainer Tuesday morning, right in front of a bunch of young school kids on a field trip:

    (Donnert) “It never bit, and it was never a viscous attack. He never growled.”

    David Donnert says it happened when Vicenta Pages tripped and fell on her butt:

    (Donnert) “He just, oh let’s play, we’re playing.”

    And then:

    (Donnert) “He grabbed her with the claws, and tigers are this type of animals, they get very possessive of something that they have.”

    Pages was able to get away and escaped with only minor cuts. Animal control was not called and nothing will happen to the tiger.

    Dave Anthony, FOX News.