Conway: Trump’s Always Under Unprecedented Assault

The Trump campaign is playing a little cleanup after the debate in Nevada Wednesday night, saying that the media isn’t focusing on the right part of the debate.

FOX’s Jessica Rosenthal has the details:

In the spin room Trump’s surrogates like campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, were on defense. explaining his response that he would have to wait and see before accepting the outcome of this election:

(Conway) “This is a guy under unprecedented assault, constantly, can’t get his message through, he’ll speak for 45 minutes at a rally and everybody will focus on 4-5 seconds of something he said. So it’s incredibly frustrating to him.”

Jesse Jackson, on behalf the Clinton campaign, said Trump failed to reject Russian espionage of Americans. Clinton’s camp blames Russia for the hack of her campaign chairman’s email, along with other cyberattacks:

(Jackson) “When he invited in some sense, invited the Russians in, he expressed more respect for Putin than Hillary and Barrack combined. That’s not very American.”

Clinton surrogates say she focused on the middle class. Trump’s surrogates said her economic plan will raise taxes on too many people.

In Las Vegas, Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News.

Follow Jessica Rosenthal on Twitter: @JessicaFOXNews