FBI Reveals More Information on Clinton Email Server Investigation

The FBI has posted a hundred more pages about it’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server.

FOX’s Jared Halpern has more from Washington:

A undersecretary of State pressured the FBI to unclassify emails on Hillary Clinton’s private sever. The exchange between Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy and an unnamed FBI employee is described in the latest release of files about the agency’s email investigation.

The document says in exchange for, “a quid pro quo”, Kennedy offered to help the FBI, put more agents in countries where they’re currently forbidden.

The request to declassify emails was denied, the FBI says.

In a separate interview summary, a former diplomatic security agent described stark differences between former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and Clinton with regard to security protocols. The agent accusing Clinton of putting herself, staff and media in unnecessary danger for photo-ops.

In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News.

Follow Jared Halpern on Twitter: @JaredHalpern