Eric Trump Defends Donald’s Tax Returns

A jam packed day for both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on the campaign trail as well as their friends and family.

FOX’s Jill Nado reports:

Donald Trump out campaigning in Colorado and Arizona. Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania. And the surrogates were out, too.

Trump’s son Eric bashing tax codes and defending his dad’s returns on FOX News:

(Trump) “It is a ridiculous system, but hey if you’re in private industry, you use the laws to your advantage.”

And speaking out against Trump in North Carolina was first lady Michelle Obama:

(Obama) “And I think someone who’s roaming around at 3 a.m. tweeting should not have their fingers on the nuclear codes.”

Senator Bernie Sanders also stumping for Clinton in Minnesota, and Senator Elizabeth Warren makes an appearance on Clinton’s behalf in Las Vegas.

Jill Nado, FOX News.