Results are In: Trump’s Health Tests “Were Good”

The test results are in, and Republican Donald Trump’s doctor says he’s in excellent physical health.

FOX’s Rachel Sutherland reports from Washington:

A letter from Trump’s physician states that he’s 6’3 and 236 pounds, his blood pressure is 116 over 70 and his other health markers appear to be in the normal range. Trump takes a statin and a low-dose aspirin.

This morning, he told “FOX and Friends”:

(Trump) ”I told people on your show I’m going to go get a physical because you guys mentioned that and said alright, I’ll go get a physical. I was quick to do it and I had every single test you can have and they were good.”

Trump admits he’d like to lose some weight, but that it’s tough because of the way he lives.

In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News.

Follow Rachel Sutherland on Twitter: @SutherlandFOX