Dems Put Zika Funding Blame on Republicans

    Senate Democrats are pointing fingers at the lack of money going into fighting Zika.

    FOX’s Jon Decker explains that they may be pointing in the wrong direction:

    Just back from a seven-week summer recess, Senate Democrats are blaming Republicans for failing to fund the battle against the Zika virus.

    But it was Senate Democrats, like Washington Senator Patty Murray, who voted to block the $1.1 billion funding bill because of language targeting Planned Parenthood.

    (Murray) “Of course we are not going to accept a bill that precludes thousands and thousands of women from getting the information they need.”

    Congressional Republican leaders have vowed to get money out the door to fight Zika by the end of September as part of a stopgap spending bill.

    In Washington, Jon Decker, FOX News.