Let Me Take a Selfie… Is the new Generation a bunch of Narcissists?
Is the era of selfies creating a generation of narcissists?
FOX’s Lisa Brady reports:
Even toddlers seem to know how to take a selfie, but is the selfie-generation more self-centered?
There’ve been conflicting studies on that:
(Luce) “We live in a generation where, in an era of, you get a trophy and you get a trophy and you get a trophy just because you show up.”
I asked mother of three Maria Luce, founder of The Empowered Mom website for her take.
(Luce) “Kids have a deep need to be validated, valued and loved. We just don’t want them to find it in their phones, or in their trophies or in their number of likes on social media.”
But how do you get your children to value themselves over what someone else thinks?:
(Luce) “You can set limitations and boundaries. You are the parent.”
Luce puts an emphasis on teaching gratitude and work ethic, along with limits on social media and she says monitor what they’re viewing and posting, even if you kinda don’t want to know or you’ll miss a key opportunity for parenting and growth.
With FOX on Family, I’m Lisa Brady.