Punishment for IRS Commissioner After Tea Party Targeting Scandal

    House Republicans have moved to punish the IRS commissioner for his role in a tea party targeting scandal.

    FOX’s Jared Halpern has more from Capitol Hill:

    The GOP-led House Oversight Committee has advanced a resolution condemning and censuring IRS Commissioner John Koskinen

    (Chaffetz) “The resolution also makes clear Mr. Koskinen should resign and if he doesn’t, the President should remove him.”

    Committee chairman Jason Chaffetz accuses Koskinen of lying under oath and stonewalling a Congressional investigation into the agency’s targeting of tax-exempt conservative groups, even pushing for impeachment.

    The IRS chief says he has cooperated.

    The party-line Committee vote recommends censure to the full house though it’s not clear if House Speaker Paul Ryan will schedule that vote.

    On Capitol Hill, Jared Halpern, FOX News.

    FOX’s Jared Halpern on Twitter: @JaredHalpern