Bernie Sanders Vows to Keep Fighting

After last night’s primaries, supporters of Democratic Presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders say they’re glad he plans to keep fighting.

FOX’s Jessica Rosenthal reports:

Bernie Sanders bashed Donald Trump, told his supporters that they will fight for reforms, and then he delivered this line:

(Sanders) “Next Tuesday we continue the fight in the last primary in Washington D.C.”

He then promised to carry the fight to Philadelphia in  July, even as FOX confirms his campaign’s plan to lay off a lot of his campaign staff.

His supporters expected nothing less than a continued fight:

(Man) “Of course he said it many times he’s going to the convention. I’ll be there, 20,000 other people will be outside there. We’ll be there for the convention and so will Bernie.”

Sanders did not acknowledge Clinton’s status except to say he congratulated her on the evening’s victories.

In L.A., Jessical Rosenthal, FOX News.

Follow FOX’s Jessica Rosenthal on Twitter: @JessicaFOXNews