Hillary Clinton Targets GOP Candidates Campaign Issues

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is stumping in New York and attacking the Republicans on key campaign issues.

FOX’s Gurnal Scott has the story:

Hillary Clinton is telling New Yorkers that security is paramount for the next commander-in-chief, having watched as a U.S. senator New York suffer and mourn through 9-11.

She says the current GOP candidates aren’t equipped to keep America safe:

(Clinton) ”And people who don’t know how to talk about it. Who view it as an afterthought, have no business being in the oval office on January 20.” 

She also touched on Donald Trump’s abortion comment implying women who seek them should be punished. She said his comments show who he really is.

Polls show Clinton leading Bernie Sanders ahead of the April 19 primary.

In New York, Gurnal Scott, FOX News.