Don’t Forget to Love Yourself on Valentine’s Day

    With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we should remember to love ourselves.

    FOX’s Ashley Papa explains:

    The sight of red roses and heart shaped everything around Valentine’s Day can leave those without a date feeling down in the dumps, wishing they had someone to spend the holiday with.

    Steve DeSalvo, author of ‘Relationship Dynamics‘ says singles who may get lonely should focus on the love they do have, not on what they don’t:

    (DeSalvo) “Valentine’s Day is a holiday about love and couples don’t have a monopoly on love. You can express your love to anyone in your life that you value and cherish, including your friends and family.”

    says all relationships start with the one you have with yourself. Loving and caring for yourself will attract more love into your life:

    (DeSalvo) “Be loving and kind to yourself, rather than critical or demeaning. Make this a day of love for yourself or to express love to others. Take yourself out on a date that evening and go do something you would enjoy or a movie you’d been wanting to see.”

    Remember that Valentine’s Day is just one day out of the year.

    With FOX on Love, I’m Ashley Papa.