Donald Trump Doesn’t Plan On Attacking Anyone at Thursday’s Debate

The Republican Presidential candidates descend on South Carolina for their latest debate on Thursday night.

FOX’s Gurnal Scott reports:

Six republicans will surround frontrunner Donald Trump on the North Charleston debate stage.

Candidates Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Christie, Bush, and Kasich all averaged top six standing in national polls and top five in Iowa and New Hampshire surveys.

Trump says he expects to be a target, but tells FOX’s Neil Cavuto that he won’t be the aggressor at the outset:

(Trump) ”I’m not going to attack anybody that I know, but if they attack me, I’ll attack them back times five.

Relegated to the early evening debate are Rick Santorum, Carly Fiorina, and Mike Huckabee. Rand Paul was also slated for the 6pm forum, but has opted to not participate.

The debates will be hosted by FOX Business Network.

Gurnal Scott, FOX News.